Is Darwins theory of Evolution false?
Is Darwins theory of Evolution false?

But Darwin did not have much scientific reasoning in favor of his theory. He did not make in-depth experiments on the nature of objects, their chemical processes, the process of creation of moving animals, the arrangement of their components, their body parts, etc. He has run the horse of conjecture based only on the external structure and its similarities. And his speculative theory is widely accepted in Western secular and secular societies. The basic reason for this was the denial of the existence of Allah through this theory. The doctrine of the self-existence, evolution and evolution of objects and creatures to take on new shapes means to deny the Creator. And the West is very propagating this doctrine. This time man did not have children of Adam. The baby monkey or monkey became an improved form.

Attempts have been made to substantiate Darwin's myth, and thousands of years of human history have been rewritten. There has been little attempt to judge the veracity of the observations on which Darwin built this doctrine.

Darwin was born in 1809. He died in 182. In his 61 years of life, he went out of England only once. He was only 22 years old at the time. While traveling to the islands off South America and its coast, he may have seen apes resembling human structures or animals on the islands that he had never seen before. What he saw during the tour, he said, changed his perception of the diversity of life.

Interestingly, he returned to England in just five years and never visited again in his life. He spent his entire life establishing his theory based on observations of visits to a small cell in his home. But he was not Al-Beruni or Ibn Battuta of that era who visited most of the places in the world at that time. On the other hand, the science of that time was not so advanced that he could sit in his room and observe inside thousands of screens or observe the pros and cons of centuries. If a person who travels a small part of an unfamiliar continent and some of the islands around it claims that he is aware of the diversity of the earth and the nature of the animals that exist in the universe, then he must be called insane. But that was not the case with Darwin. Rather his theory gained tremendous importance.

The source of Darwin's doctrine

So let's see what was the cause and context? It will be more interesting to see what was at the root of what he said. In fact, many centuries ago Greek philosophy was based on the idea that the existence of the earth was the result of a factor. Whoever the real creator of this world is, he first creates a cause. Then from this cause the second cause arises and the destruction of the first cause occurs. In the same way, after the creation of the first cause, its creator did not exist, and if it does exist, it is nominal which is not related to any object. The second to the third, the third to the fourth continue to be created in this way. And in this way, after every cause is created, the cause of its origin begins to be destroyed. In this way it comes into existence automatically. And to this day the world is founded on this system.

The source of Darwin's philosophy must be this ancient (Greek) philosophy. Which he has presented in a new form. With that he adds the Ramakahini of observation to increase the importance of his argument. He then built a new story on the basis of which the earth came into existence. The earth was first a fireball that exploded. Then different objects of the universe come into existence. The moon, the planets begin to rotate in their respective orbits. Even after this, life first came into existence in the water and innumerable animals spread on the ground after evolving from these first created creatures. Including people.

Based on this theory, life is still explored in every place where there is water. How much damage this theory has done to this world! That universe has no creator, no owner. It is the result of an accident. There is no need for further explanation. All that can be said is that Western thinkers like Darwin and then Freud have made people stand in the queue of animals. People are no more people. Became the child of the monkey.

In every age, Muslim scholars and scientists have sought to unmask Darwin's baseless theory. He is constantly trying to tell the world that man is a child of Adam. There is a creator of the world. He created every creature in its own form. That Creator is running the real world system.

But this is the first time in the 150-year history of Darwin's theory that a Muslim scientist has unveiled Darwin's baseless theory with such strong evidence, logic, scientific information and solid evidence. The basis of this theory has been shaken.

This Muslim scientist is Harun Yahya. He did not stop at writing only 800 pages of documentary evidence. Instead, he sent the book to all the leading educational institutions and scientific institutes in Europe and America, challenging them to respond. So the basis of this theory (Darwin's evolution) has been shaken. Then how else will its building stand. However, Western scholars and scientists were proud of this theory. For the past 150 years, this baseless false theory has been widely propagated. But Aaron Yahya has done a great job of bringing the world from darkness to light. There are thousands of people in the Western world who deny Darwin's false theory. Protestant Christians in America, for example. They have been protesting against the propaganda of this false theory. Most of the European countries were not ready to swallow this false theory. But this time the voice of the defendant has been endowed with extraordinary power by Adnan Uktar Al-Maruf alias Harun Yahya of Turkey. He has prepared a large number of books, videos, DBDs and has shed light on many aspects of epistemology and science. One of these books is ‘Atlas of Creation’ (Atlas of Creation).

The book has now reached the tables of prominent scientists from Europe and America, members of parliament, schools, colleges, university teachers and students. This gigantic 800-page book, 11x16 inches in size, challenges Darwin's theory to such strong evidence that it is not easy for anyone to refute it. Evolution has been completely thwarted by this book by Harun Yahya.

The book sparked a storm of controversy in French schools, colleges, universities and science museums. Armond de Reckless, a professor of historical biology at the College de France, said that so far there have been few books in the country that describe the mysteries of the creation of the world. But he admits that despite a very strong central management system, it is not possible to prevent any such book from reaching the hands of students. But the reaction of the Americans is completely different. "There is no place for such delusions in our country," said an American professor of biology.

Who is Talking Delirium?

Then who is Talking Delirium? He who has proved with solid evidence and scientific evidence that man is not the son of an ape, the source of Darwin's philosophy is based on myths, fabrications and myths, not the one who puts man in the beast's veil to expose his false beliefs. Not ready to accept him — he? In the Qur'an, Allah clearly states:

He created you; Some of you disbelieve and some believe. Allah sees what you do. He created the heavens and the earth with truth, and He shaped you, made you beautiful, and to Him is the final return.

Then Allah issued a stern warning:

O people! What has confused you about your great Allah? The One who created you, then made you fit and harmonized, has formed you in the shape He wills. No (there is no confusion), but you reject religion.

Regarding the creation of man, Allah the Almighty declares:

He is the One who created every one of His creations in the best possible way, and He created the human creation from dust. He then produced his offspring from the extract of the trivial fluid. Later he made him fit and breathed life into him. And He has given you eyes, ears and hearts. You seldom express gratitude. Scientist Harun Yahya has presented this eternal creation theory of Allah with strong argument.

According to Darwin's theory, life on Earth exists in such a way that some inanimate molecules combine to form life. Then from this (life created by the accidental union of inanimate molecules and atoms) suddenly invisible and very small animals come into existence and all the animals come into existence suddenly until they evolved from bacteria to humans. So is it a delusion to invalidate this invalid doctrine with strong documentary and scientific evidence, or to prove that life cannot be caused by an accidental reaction in an inanimate molecule, despite the fact that it has been proven in many ages of experience?

This has never happened in human history, and no observation has shown that any life has come into existence by the union of inanimate molecules. Delusion and ignorance to persist in any zeal. In his book 'Atlas of Creation', Harun Yahya refutes Darwin's doctrines with the help of scientific evidence from microbiology, biometrics, cell biology, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology, angro biology and paleontology. However, the most important of these is the record of thousands of years old fossils that appear to be comprehensible, integral and extraordinarily proof, as illustrated by Aaron Yahya in his book. And that's where the West's concerns lie. Because through this, Ale Darwin is the victim of Darwin's tool.

Darwin based his satanic doctrine on observation. And for this he made up a story. He traveled to South America outside of England only once in his life. But he and his followers exaggerated the journey so much that he had to travel large parts of the world. Kalpana is then given the name of observation. Scientist Aaron Yahya unmasked this so-called observation. He said Darwin and his followers spoke of observation. This is the biggest deception in the world. It has fooled the world for a long time and is coming with dust in people's eyes. The fact of the matter is that thousands of years of observation of this world have shown that the fundamentals of animals have never changed. Crickets Insects were thousands of years ago. The lizard's appearance was the same as it is millions of years ago. Plants, plants, animals, people have remained the same for thousands, even millions of years. Ever since Hani Ray has been promoted from one animal to another. In this context, the Qur'an declares:

Allah created all living things from water. Some of them walk on their chests, some walk on two legs and some walk on four legs. Allah is Omnipotent.

Elsewhere in the Qur'an:

One of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the beast that He has spread between them. He can assemble them at will.

Fossil record

Let's see what is the fossil record? In the technical sense, the body of an animal is called a fossil that died a long time ago, but still exists naturally today. Such as those skeletons of humans or animals that were buried thousands of years ago or found buried in the ground. At present, science has reached such a climax that the age and antiquity of any object and skeleton can be known. The antiquity of something can be known through carbon-dating. So it is no longer difficult to know the age of skeletons found all over the world. The information obtained from in-depth research and scientific experiments on the remaining skeletons is called fossil record.

Fossils are the best mature evidence for thousands of years old animals. Millions of fossils have been found in different parts of the world, helping to determine the appearance and history of terrestrial animals. It is these millions of fossils that tell us that they did not abruptly evolve into their fully developed and complex appearance, but gradually evolved from a very ordinary appearance to their present form. Let's take a bank as an example. The present-day appearance of the frog, a 260-million-year-old fossil, suggests that it looked the same at the time. There was no difference between the frogs here and the frogs of that time.

Millions of fossils found in the earth's crust 150 years or so ago say that fish have always been fish. Insects were insects. Birds have always been birds. The animal that walks on its chest is moving on its chest forever. Not a single fossil has been identified in this vacuum which gives the slightest indication that there has been any change in the origin of any animal. It has not happened that any fish has turned into a frog or a bird that has turned into a bird.

Declaration of Allah:

Do they not see that I have created for them manna (domestic animals) and that they are the owners of them? And I have subdued them. Some of these are their carriers and some are their food. There are many benefits and drinks for them. Yet they will not be grateful!

Further declaration of Allah:

Don't they notice that birds can easily fly in the sky? Allah sustains them. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe. What kind of observation did Darwin and his followers talk about when nothing like this has been caught in the observation of thousands and even millions of years? Naturalists all over the world have no answer to this question of Harun Yahya. Allah has created this world and all that is in it. The theory that ignores the truth of the Qur'an is being ignored again today.

The Qur'an clearly states that all creatures with large bodies, from flies, mosquitoes and scorpions, are Allah creation. It is Allah who created the earth, the earth, and the sky. Chad, the sun, the stars, people, animals are all his creation. No, not the result of an accident or evolution. Everything that is observed in this world by evolution or natural laws is His miracle. On which the Qur'an has repeatedly invited us to reflect. The more one thinks about it, the stronger one's faith in Allah power will be. Observing the manifestation of miracles strengthens man's faith and belief in the existence of Allah and His attributes and qualities. But it is a matter of one's own destiny and grace, who will be guided by it and who will be more misguided or confused.

Inviting us to ponder over the mystery of this creation, Allah says:

One of His signs is that He created you from dust. Now you people are scattered everywhere. And another of His signs is that He has created for you companions from among us that you may find peace in them, and He has created love and affection for one another among you. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.

Elsewhere Allah declares:

He created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from clotted blood, then brought you out as a baby. Then you get youth, then you reach old age. Some of you die before you, and that you may attain your term, and that you may understand.

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